Monday, September 14, 2009

Heather's mailbag:

How cute is this:
Last week I "facebooked" that I couldn't open my jar of salsa. I'm not embarrassed that I facebooked it, because it had a significant impact on my day. (I am, however, smart enough not to say why it affected my day so significantly in this public forum. Remember the Dooce rule.)

So low and behold, this weekend I got a package in the mail from my "big cousin Mindy" - a little aside here, her title has to appear in quotes, as I have significant inches and pounds on her, and have since we were kids and she broke my arm pushing me off the queen's throne, AKA a chair on top of a table. In a playroom with a cement floor. And it really was my turn to be queen of the table. But that is a whole different story. She is, however, exactly 6 months older than me to the day, so "big cousin" it is.

Anyways, aside from breaking my arm at age 4 (and I know she cried more than I did about it), Mindy is adorable - she sent me two jar openers!

The note says "Heather - These always work for me when I can't open a jar! Keep one at work and one at home. <3 your big cousin, Mindy."

How sweet is that?!?!?

Mindy has a blog too - she shares recipes, shopping deals, and all sorts of "mother of the year" stuff you won't be fining amongst the penis pops and naked mermaids of my blog.

And check this out, they even WORK! Salsa success!
I never liked salsa because I'm not into spice, but peach & pineapple salsa is YUM!
Thanks, Minderella!


Mindy said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I cannot stop laughing!!! I am glad that they helped, and you got into your salsa!!! Just another tip, Ethan likes to use them to open stubborn beer bottles for Brad. Yes, really. PS. Just for the record... from my recollection, it was my turn to be queen of the table...

HeatherEve said...

Editorial note: It was so NOT her turn. I spent my whole childhood playing Han Solo and Luke Skywalker so she could be the princess. Just thought you should all know.