Friday, September 18, 2009

We're In Business! Well, I am anyways...

So, an interesting little lunch time errand, I signed up for a Minnesota Sales Tax ID number! That means I can officially sell products, i.e. my craftacular creations, at art and craft fairs across Minnesota. It's been on my list to do for a while, but last night's mosaic fun really sealed the deal for me - it's time to do another craft fair!

This was partially spurred by a less than pleasant letter I received in the mail yesterday - the certificate program I had just enrolled in was CANCELLED, and so due to several factors I ended up dropping the course I was enrolled in, and now feel under achieving. So, I've gone ahead and filled up that time and much more :)

I'm aiming for a pre-holiday bazaar that a local non profit puts on - I need to finish up my application materials this weekend and if I am accepted, then I know what I'll be working on as soon as Halloween is over!

My mother used to have this motto, "Never be bored." I guess I've picked it up :)

Oh, and this photo has little to do with my post. I suppose True Blood's Eric Northman is a fine example of a small business owner, but mostly, he's just pretty.

1 comment:

Beth Salzl said...

bummer about school. So what show will you be in?.