Saturday, October 24, 2009

Something is Rotten in Denmark...

It's my dog. He's had two baths and still smells like a farm. I'm considering dousing him in perfume to make it through the night.

You all remember my neurotic rat terrier, right? He's the one that ate a half pound of dark chocolate a few months back, which was terrifying but thankfully ended up okay. He also perpetrated the great cinnamon roll fiasco, and now that I've finally watched it, I can see he's modeled his life after Marley from Marley & Me. He's basically the Woody Allen of house pets.

Well Normy had a big day! It started with a long C-A-R-R-I-D-E (the word is generally spelled, lest he hear you and race for the garage) to Henderson, MN where we met Olivia for family photos. We got there early and took a long walk through the prairie grass, and Norm was nearly overwhelmed with things to sniff and pee on. He nearly pulled me down a muddy slope several times, but we managed to keep him reasonably clean until we started photos. He was awful and wouldn't play along, but definitely loved the nature preserve. He found many great scents to roll in. He'd take off, wriggle around on his back for a while, and then randomly decide to listen and come back to us for a snapshot. And one of those times, hubby & I snuggled up next to him and screamed.


He had rolled in poop.

He was covered in poop.

He reeked of poop.

The photos came to a screeching halt.

We trashed his bandanna and luckily I was carrying around a giant can of Clorox wipes, so he got an impromptu sponge bath. It sorta worked.

The mood was pretty much gone. We wrapped it up and set about cleaning him up for the car ride, but the damage was done - that was a long smelly ride! When we got home he went immediately into the tub for a full scale scrub down, and he didn't even fight it - he must have known he stunk.

We also cleaned ourselves up and curled up on the couch for a few hours before heading off to a wedding...but the smell was still there. Egads.

He didn't fight the second bath either, and this time we used scented girlie shampoo, hoping it would mask any lingering stench. So far, so good.

No pictures to post of this long exciting adventure, but hopefully Olivia caught a few good ones before the bloom went off the rose :)

On the plus side, I got to wear my new coat & scarf, and I love them! Can't wait to see the pictures!

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