Whoo hoo for Friday! I'm definitely ready for a weekend, even if it's a busy one. If today is half as good as yesterday, I'm on a roll!
First off, I got all my "yard lighting" put together and ready to set up outside next week. I'm a rookie when it comes to these things, so here's what I did: I asked the lady at Menard's in the lighting section. :) Genius! I told her I needed some bright outdoor spotlights that plugged into a socket (I'm not ever trusting myself to wire something). She pointed me to these:

They are perfect! It's a floodlight holder that has either a flat base or a stake (I used the stake), you can set the angle to illuminate whatever you need, and they hold a big old floodlight that should be perfect. Score! I also got two of these:

3-outlet power stakes, so I can use 3 lights on either side of our sidewalk :)I wish I could set this all up this weekend, but between the bad weather (will it ever stop raining/snowing?) and possibility of theft (don't want to risk it, and we live next to some strange teenagers) I'm not going to risk it.
Then, 2nd super happy thing I accomplished yesterday: I got my hair fixed! WHOO HOO! I mentioned
here that I was unhappy with my last cut, but I never explained the story. It was too new and traumatic at the time, but here's what went down: One random Saturday hubby was hosting a bachelor party IN OUR HOUSE, so of course I needed to flee. A free open roaming Saturday is not good for me, I get ideas into my head - ideas like "I should get my hair cut - drastically - RIGHT NOW." My "normal" hair lady who I love works weekday evenings (Chris @ Rosedale Regis - I've ALWAYS been happy, and she's fixed other people's mistakes more than once - yes, I should have learned by now), so she wasn't an option, but I naively thought "hey, I'm just getting a stacked bob, shouldn't be a problem for anyone, right?" and headed to the Northtown Regis. Cue the horror movie music here.
I should have ran immediately when the stylist started asking me questions assuming I was in high school. When I told her I was 30 (essentially) she was aghast and made a huge deal out of it. One of my personal pet peeves is being taken for younger than I am (which happens all the time, but is still annoying) so that should have cued me in. It didn't, so I sat there while she butchered my hair.
By the way, speaking of young, she was a baby. Just out of beauty school, she was 20 or 19 and lives with her parents. Every little small talk topic that came up ended awkwardly as we totally disagreed - weddings, music, eek. Just some background.
She never moved, she stayed on my right side and reached around, which can't be good form. She clearly didn't understand what "stacked" meant because she left the back of my hair all strangely choppy and layered, with a really clear line where it did NOT blend into the sides - EEEEK!
I kept saying "I want it stacked" and she kept saying she understood, but clearly something wasn't going through. Stacked is this:

When I told her it wasn't right, she just kept taking it shorter. I slowly lost all confidence and started to panic. When she asked about layers, I lost it and told her to stop. Yeah, seriously. I couldn't handle her destroying any more of it - I already knew I was going to need to get it fixed, best to minimize the damage and maximize what the fixer would have to work with. I still paid her, but I think we both knew I was seriously unhappy.
I never took a picture of the back, but in my mind I kept seeing this:

and lest you think I'm overreacting because it's scary to have 8" cut off your hair and I didn't like the teeny bopper who cut it, I had at least 3 friends say "Oh it's cute!...but what's with the back?" yeah, that'll make you self conscious real quickly :)
So I ignored it as long as I could and let it grow back a bit, and then did what I should have done originally - called to make an appointment with Chris!
She fixed me. She took all the bulk and choppy feathered layers out of the back and stacked it like I wanted, and she blended in the weird reverse mullet line the hack had left. Here's an awkward self portrait (amidst my Halloween decor):

Suffice it to say, I feel MUCH better - and just in time for our photo shoot with Olivia tomorrow!
Which leads me to the 3rd major happy thing of yesterday, I found an "outfit" to wear! Well, more than an outfit really, I decided since we're having outdoor fall/winter photos, and it's been horribly cold and will possibly snow tomorrow, I'd take a cue from my lil' sis' engagement photos and wear a cute coat! This one caught my eye as soon as I walked in to New York and Co., and I seriously ripped this amazing scarf off of the mannequin and declared it MINE.

Yay, I LOVE it! It's bright and fun and warm, it has an adorable hood, and it was on SALE, always a bonus. I'll be wearing it with jeans and probably a turtleneck, and I hope it looks cute. Hubby will be clad in a winter vest and Henley, he hardly ever wears an actual coat. And Normy will sport his typical black & white fur ensemble :)
I'm still not back to 100%, and hubs had to wake me up because I was snoring so loudly last night he couldn't hear the tv, but I am definitely feeling better. Let's hope it leads to a fun and productive weekend, my last weekend before the big party!