2010 "Resolutions:"
- Cross at least 6 items off of my Bucket List (that's 1 every 2 months)
- Organize my craft room again, and keep it that way for the whole year
- Take more photos, learn to take better ones
- Keep up with photo albums - within 1 month of events
- Stick to a realistic budget this Halloween, while still having the best party ever
- Develop a career plan. Decide what I want to be...now that I AM grown up...
- File my receipts and bills at least monthly...and catch up with the ones thrown in a box from the past many years.
- Start writing letters. Real letters on paper.
- Pay down debt. Significantly. Maybe even start saving.
- Bring my lunch to work more often. Like at least sometimes :) I'm so bad at this.
- Take a real vacation with my husband. Actually go somewhere, just the two of us. We've been together 10 years (in January), and never had a big solo vacation!
1 comment:
You should start saving for a vacation so you don't incur debt over it. :) 3 resolutions in one!
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