Monday, December 21, 2009

Costco Photo Collages

Hubby and I had a super romantic Costco date this weekend, but it was actually really beneficial. We picked up the last of our holiday gifts, some socks that go above his ankles (long story), and I picked up four photo collages that I made up for Gloria's memorial in January. They turned out SO NICE! I don't have a photo yet, but here's an example I found on google images from some stranger's website:

These are SUCH a good deal! A poster size print is just $8.99. The quality is absolutely amazing - since I was using old scans of Polaroids and nearly 90 year old prints, I didn't expect nearly the quality I got - I give all the credit to the Heritage Makers' scanner, which must have really preserved a high quality image of each photo. Most of them are actually blown up even LARGER than their original size, but they are reasonably clear still.

You don't have total freedom to customize the Costco collages - you select a range of photos, and they randomly lay them out in some mathematical configuration that works for the sizes and orientations you included. You can add borders and a title, and choose portrait or landscape, and if you hate the computer's layout choice you can shuffle them a few times till you get a prettier poster. They actually have a wide range of sizes and price points available, and I've made lots of the smaller ones for everything from craft fair applications (showing pics of all my aprons) to documenting service projects for my philanthropic groups. I highly recommend the Costco photo centers, they're the #1 reason I maintain my membership - I love being able to upload all my photos from home/work and have them ready when I get there. They're editing is easy to use and I've always had good quality prints.

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