Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday is winning, but I put up a good fight...

I'm staring Tuesday dead in the eye, and so far we're at a draw but I think I'm dangerously close to crying uncle and telling Tuesday it kicked my butt (and it's not even 1pm!). Today we ran errands. I think that is the most drastic difference in my post-baby life (other than sleep, of course) is how much more difficult it is to run "simple" errands and keep up on the tiniest of tasks. Today, for example, I had 3 things on my list, 3 separate stops but within a couple blocks of each other in the same area of town. I fed The Cupcake and packed up our supplies, bribed the dog not to destroy the house (yes, we do that. And it usually works) - and all of that took over an hour just to get out of the door.

Once we were on our way, the first stop was the post office to mail 2 documents that were all pre-addressed and ready. I grabbed my two separate methods of payment before we went in, and decided not to bother with the stroller for the quick stop. Luckily we were the only customers and were able to walk right up, but I had to wrestle TC the whole time. Now that she can walk, all she wants to do is RUN and GRAB and DESTROY anything she can. At first I thought that the empty post office might be okay for a few moments since she couldn't open the heavy doors and the counters were high and out of reach, but they had a huge display of greeting cards right inside the door that she exclaimed over immediately, so I had to carry her the whole time. We still got through the task rather quickly, and spent more time getting in and out of the carseat than anything else.

Stop 2 was National Camera Exchange for a return. When I got my new lens I was talked into buying a protective  cover which I really didn't need, and which I found out was too small anyways (despite the lady taking at my camera and picking out "the right one"), so I just returned it and felt much happier. Before I left I had put the item and the receipt in a plastic bag in my purse, so I was organized when I got there and minimized the awkward digging, but again I had to juggle TC who was more than ready to remodel the store. They had a big train table with little Thomas toys, but she had no interest in that when there were racks of "stuff" so nearby. Somehow we made it out without destroying anything!

Stop 3 took a little longer, so I loaded the little miss into her stroller and somehow managed to balance 2 big plastic tubs full of clothes as I steered it all towards Turnstyle Consignment Store. As I mentioned I'm planning on a yard sale, but clothes are always an area I feel never make much dough - you have to price things pretty low, and then hope someone your size & with your (former) taste wanders by too - not great odds. So I decided to take a stab at consigning and see how it goes. It was busy and we had to wait in line, but they let me drop my stuff and wheel TC around so I could sort of keep her occupied (kid loves mirrors, which they thankfully have in most stores!). I avoided looking at much because right off the bat I found a cool pair of Born shoes I wanted, but that weren't all that practical and would have eaten up all my potential profits anyways. It took almost an hour but they took 17 of my 25 items, and I'll get 45% of the selling price if it goes in the next 90 days, so fingers crossed.

After all that I was pretty zonked, but the idea of piling TC back into the car again seemed like too much work so we walked down the block to Wendy's first. TC wasn't in the mood to eat, not even the FROSTY, so I ended up polishing off way more than I should have and feeling remorseful and sluggish. Oops. So we headed back to the car and cruised home where I'm HOPING lady cupcake will acquiesce to a nap, but so far she's kind of squawky...I, on the other hand, could fall asleep standing up and just might if she doesn't let me rest a little!

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