Sunday, April 29, 2012


(Clarks Unstructured Un.Knot in black)

Are they too expensive? Yes. Do I love them? YES!

I was trying to replace these which are wickedly comfortable and amazing, but no longer exist. I'm kind of bummed they only lasted about 5 months and then the shiny coating started to flake off wherever they creased or got scuffed - I assume that is why they are no longer made or even available on ebay or close outs. That shouldn't happen with these leather (and more spendy) ones, and hopefully I can still wear them interchangably with dresses/dress pants/jeans. They're not shiny and sparkly, which is a little let down, but they are definitely comfortable. I'm taking a couple long trips this summer with limited luggage capabilities, and versatile shoes would really help (shoes take up so much room!) since I'll have dress up and casual obligations.

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