Monday, March 29, 2010

It's the little things that keep you going...

My house is by no means clean, but I feel extremely accomplished heading back into the fray of things this week. It could be the gorgeous weather we're having, or the continued Roller Derby madness, but I'm definitely in a spring-y mood.

Small weekend triumphs:

Refilled the soap dispenser in the bathroom
We're eco-friendly like that. Sometimes.

Assembled 2 shoe racks for the porch
that have been sitting out there in their boxes for 6 months

Folded & put away 10 loads of laundry.
TEN. And I'm not caught up yet. And apparently I'm never been
even this close to caught up, because without half of my clothing
being in a queue for the washer, it doesn't all fit in my dresser
or closet. Luckily we're hitting 70 most of the week, so it seems
that I can pack away the sweaters and coats!

Charged my camera battery
After it died mid-derby. So you don't get to see the weird ninja band. So sad.

Finished a book
Not admitting what it was though.

Sorted and filed FOUR banker's boxes full of paperwork
I'd gotten pretty behind...and I miss my shredder

Watched SEVEN movies:
None of them good. Seriously. Skip ALL of these!
Jennifer's Body
Couples' Retreat
Post Grad
The Marc Pease Experience
500 Days of Summer
The Vampire's Assistant


Unpacked my craft show suitcase,
and in the process finding many "missing" items

All in all it was a very tolerable weekend. Blogger is being a photo spaz right now, so I don't have any accompanying pics for you, but if it clears up stay tuned for a few men's derby shots - you'll want to see them just for the fashion disasters. Lycra is a privilege, not a right...


Unknown said...

I object to your dissing Stepbrothers.

and from now on, you have to call me Dragon. I once wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands.

HeatherEve said...

My husband loved it too, but I just couldn't stand it. I laughed once when someone got smacked with a cymbal in the face.

Sassy said...

I really enjoyed 500 Days of Summer, but I accept your right to not like it :) I'm glad you got a relaxing weekend.